In 1996 Katsuyuki Mori, a former SMAP, a popular boys group in Japan, quit SMAP to become a professional auto racer. The auto race is not big in Japan but thanks to Mori the race gains some attention.
HP ENVY14 スペクトル
New PC from HP. The first impression, looks like Macbook.
Pity. 残念です。
Pity. 残念です。
Yubari 夕張市から学ぶこと
I have no seen Japan on the front page of New York Times (global edition) for a long time. When I saw the Asian face in the coverage photo I, as I usually do, thought it was on China.
Yubari, a city of just over 10,000 population( with its half being over 65 years old) in Hokkaido, is now famous for the news as "a city which went bankrupt". Formerly known as a city of the expensive Yubari Melon which I wanted to eat one day at least once in my life when I was little, the economy was hugely dependent on the coal mining industry originally. As the coal mining stopped the money flow of the city also stopped. Those running the city did not have a clear vision to rebuild the city and went bankrupt in 2007.
I learnt there is a new mayor 31 year old, Suzuki originally from Saitama running the city. The story why he became a mayor was written in this article but not so much who was behind the bankruptcy.
There have been many factors but the mismanagement of the city of the former mayor Tetsuji Nakada is one of the biggest ones. He was in the seat for 24 years having built useless facilities, some theme park, museums etc., in a hope to attract tourists to the city. All facilities failed. At the time Nakada was elected, it was late 1970 the bubble economy was on. Whatever he did the over whole economy grew and people in the city did not foresee the outcry waiting in 2007. He did not spend the municipality for the future of Yubari.
You know what? I know many cities were like Yubari in 70s-90s and these cities ailing from the massive deficit could soon declare bankrupt. We must change and make action!
Yubari, a city of just over 10,000 population( with its half being over 65 years old) in Hokkaido, is now famous for the news as "a city which went bankrupt". Formerly known as a city of the expensive Yubari Melon which I wanted to eat one day at least once in my life when I was little, the economy was hugely dependent on the coal mining industry originally. As the coal mining stopped the money flow of the city also stopped. Those running the city did not have a clear vision to rebuild the city and went bankrupt in 2007.
I learnt there is a new mayor 31 year old, Suzuki originally from Saitama running the city. The story why he became a mayor was written in this article but not so much who was behind the bankruptcy.
There have been many factors but the mismanagement of the city of the former mayor Tetsuji Nakada is one of the biggest ones. He was in the seat for 24 years having built useless facilities, some theme park, museums etc., in a hope to attract tourists to the city. All facilities failed. At the time Nakada was elected, it was late 1970 the bubble economy was on. Whatever he did the over whole economy grew and people in the city did not foresee the outcry waiting in 2007. He did not spend the municipality for the future of Yubari.
You know what? I know many cities were like Yubari in 70s-90s and these cities ailing from the massive deficit could soon declare bankrupt. We must change and make action!
小沢一郎 - Wikipedia
彼の父小沢 佐重喜氏の事とについてふれられている。Wikipediaで、様々な有名人のことを読むが、特にすきなのが一代でその地位を築いた財界人の話である。フィクションも含まれはせど、
貧しいところから努力して上り詰めるその過程はとても励みになる。小沢 佐重喜氏をとってみても貧しい家に生まれ日本大学から弁護士へ、その後も生活は貧しく、血のにじむような努力をしている。
貧しいところから努力して上り詰めるその過程はとても励みになる。小沢 佐重喜氏をとってみても貧しい家に生まれ日本大学から弁護士へ、その後も生活は貧しく、血のにじむような努力をしている。
塩谷瞬 ブログ 冨永愛 園山真希絵 熱愛
冨永愛さんとの熱愛が報道されている。しかし、問題はどうも別の人間(料理家 園山真希絵)との二股がばれたことのようである。これまで聞いたこともない人々で、このようなニュースはその知名度を上げるための芸能事務所が仕組んだものである匂いがする。大きなヒットがあるわけでもないこれらの「有名人」。このニュースをきっかけにさらに知名度を上げて、仕事を取っていこうというのではなかろうか。最近では、同様に小松彩夏さんも最近関ジャニとの熱愛が騒がれているが、これも同じようなことのように思える。
1.日本航空350便墜落事故 事故当時のコクピットでのやりとりが流行語にまでなった事故。
2.日本航空123便墜落事故 日本でも世界でもまれに見る大事故でした。コクピットと管制塔とのやりとりがyoutubeにのこっています。飛行機には良く乗りますが、このやりとりを時々思い出します。
読売新聞 4月3日(火)22時0分配信
1.日本航空350便墜落事故 事故当時のコクピットでのやりとりが流行語にまでなった事故。
2.日本航空123便墜落事故 日本でも世界でもまれに見る大事故でした。コクピットと管制塔とのやりとりがyoutubeにのこっています。飛行機には良く乗りますが、このやりとりを時々思い出します。
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