







6 件のコメント:

  1. So you like these cute caracters in Japan?

    Do you prefer it over Germany's way of showing information?

  2. I prefer Japanese signs with the characters to the German signs.

    The point is I feel melancholic by contrasting the current Japanese economic power being deteriorated and the happy and cute characters seen everywhere in Japan.

    What is your opinion?

  3. I like the cute characters in Japan as well, but can not link them with the economic situation.
    I hope the economy will be better soon though.

  4. Regardless age, sex etc. each and every Japanese must work to put the economy back on the track. Of course much easier to say than do... any idea to revive the Japanese economy?

  5. I am sure many people would like to work to put the economy back on track but unfortunately there are not enough jobs for everyone.
    Also I believe that China takes all the jobs off the countries which once had a strong econimc power.
    Sad that cheapness is more important in this world than quality..

    The only way to make Japan's economy grow is to change the people's minds to buy local produced food/ goods for higher price but better quality.
    Other countries in Europe etc. should follow. Everybody cries over job loss and business going to cheap contries, but support their jobs being send away themselves.

  6. Any good idea to change the people's minds in Japan?

    It is pity that sometimes the quality of locally grown products are not as good as the imported products and also several Japanese companies cheated the origins of their products etc. breaking the trust of consumers in the domestic products further more...
