I have had the idea for new products for quite some time. With limit on my skill I cannot make them thus I would like to share with those who can make them real products.
Idea 1. A watch/apps for smartphone for presentation:
I did many presentations in public and also participated others' presentations. I often notice people having hard time keeping their time slots. Yes, it is not easy to talk in public and feel so calm thinking about the time.
When you prepare for 20 min presentation, you usually go for 30-even 40 mins in the worst case. I notice some people use their phone to beep to signal the end of the time...loud sounds is not cool..
So my idea is to invent this watch or/and app with vibration function. You make the presentation slides and allocate time for each slide. You can let the watch connect to your lap top via wireless or so, so that when the time to finish one particular slide comes, the watch vibrates in some manner to let you know where you are in the time limit.
Say you plan first part for 10 mins, the main part 15 mins and the conclusion part 5 mins. The watch shall vibrate( in different ways to signal each part so that you know exactly where you are) on each timing or sometime before the end of each slot.
I want to see this watch or app coming to the world!
I have too many ideas ( many of them might be really stupid or already on the market without my knowing it though). I will share more ideas with you soon.
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