
















Idea for new product 4 Sound proof baby cover 防音カバー 赤ちゃん用

I have had the idea for new products for quite some time. With limit on my skill I cannot make them thus I would like to share with those who can make them real products.

Idea 4. Sound proof baby cover:

As the title suggests, this product is basically a sound proof material to cover a crying baby with a structure to make sure the baby has enough space and air to breathe and it must be somehow so transparent for parents to see the baby inside.  And also the sound proof function should not be too strong thus parents can still hear the baby.

Babies cannot talk so they cry instead of talking. It is a very important way of communication. Yet, you may find it difficult when babes do not stop crying in public or when your partner is trying to sleep.

This product can also work for baby to have a silent place to sleep by shutting down the sound from outside. You could talk to others, listen to radio or watch TV beside your baby.

This product should have two layers so the user can "adjust" the volume by choosing to use one or two layers.

It is important to note that this product should not be used when parents are sleeping. Parents need to be able to catch the slightest sign in the sound of baby to find any possible problem the baby has.  This product is only to serve the convenience of the parents or anybody taking care of babies in a supplemental way. Again, this shall never prevent parents noticing any problem the babies may have.

This should not be that difficult for companies to make. But I cannot make it...

I have too many ideas ( many of them might be really stupid or already on the market without my knowing it though). I will share more ideas with you soon.


Idea for new product 3 Be-Volunteer apps ボランティア活動促進アプリ

I have had the idea for new products for quite some time. With limit on my skill I cannot make them thus I would like to share with those who can make them real products.

Idea 3. Be-Volunteer apps:
This apps only serves for the good of the society.  On this apps you see where volunteer works such as cleaning up the streets taking place around you and you find it and can participate it. Any member can propose and share the experience with others and also rate others for skills e.g. leadership, friendliness and so forth.

Several unique points on this apps are:

1) you have only 2-3 activities to choose, well if I make it, I will have i. cleaning up the street and ii. night watch walking through your community to make sure everything good,

2) you can propose a new activity but needs to be approved by majority of the members at least in two countries, which means I only want to have activities generally good and accepted by people with different cultural backgrounds,

3) you can rate others after finishing the activity anonymously for their positive skill sets and collect some sort of points with which you can get some titles like normal volunteer, super volunteer and so on,

4) you can share the experience/picture/video etc. of the activities with members all around the world to improve their activities sharing good ideas..

Anybody can make this?

I have too many ideas ( many of them might be really stupid or already on the market without my knowing it though). I will share more ideas with you soon.


Idea for new product 2 Forget-me-not Apps 忘れ物防止アプリ updated 21Feb2014

I have had the idea for new products for quite some time. With limit on my skill I cannot make them thus I would like to share with those who can make them real products.

Idea 2. Forget-me-not Apps:

My room is messy and I lose things sometimes. So I am wishing to have an app to locate what I am looking for. It shall be done this way: there may be some small microchip you can attach to the thing you do not want to lose. And the app to interact with this chip.

I started seeing some products on the market to do some of the functions I wanted to have but not quite yet what my idea is.

My idea is to have the app to 1) show on the map(can be your room map) on your pad or smartphone to show where each things you put the chips are located and 2) if you preset, your phone tells you when you are away certain distance from the thing. You can put this to your kid in the shopping mall or key or anything you really do not want to lose.
This should not be that difficult for some electronics companies. But I cannot make it...

I have too many ideas ( many of them might be really stupid or already on the market without my knowing it though). I will share more ideas with you soon.

Update: Today ( 21Feb2014) I found this product. Very similar to the idea I had http://www.thetileapp.com/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=CPC

Idea for new product 1 A watch/apps for smartphone for presentation 振動でタイミングを知らせるプレゼン用腕時計

I have had the idea for new products for quite some time. With limit on my skill I cannot make them thus I would like to share with those who can make them real products.

Idea 1. A watch/apps for smartphone for presentation:

I did many presentations in public and also participated others' presentations. I often notice people having hard time keeping their time slots. Yes, it is not easy to talk in public and feel so calm thinking about the time.

When you prepare for 20 min presentation, you usually go for 30-even 40 mins in the worst case. I notice some people use their phone to beep to signal the end of the time...loud sounds is not cool..

So my idea is to invent this watch or/and app with vibration function. You make the presentation slides and allocate time for each slide. You can let the watch connect to your lap top via wireless or so, so that when the time to finish one particular slide comes, the watch vibrates in some manner to let you know where you are in the time limit.

Say you plan first part for 10 mins, the main part 15 mins and the conclusion part 5 mins. The watch shall vibrate( in different ways to signal each part so that you know exactly where you are) on each timing or sometime before the end of each slot.

I want to see this watch or app coming to the world!

I have too many ideas ( many of them might be really stupid or already on the market without my knowing it though). I will share more ideas with you soon.


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