2万人以上が読んでいる、どうでもよいことを真剣に考えたりするブログ。興味は経済、政治、歴史、食物等。あくまでも私見です。押し付けるつもりは一切ありません。Thank you, 20,000+ readers achieved! I seriously write about unimportant things in this blog. my interests include economics/business, politics, history, foods etc. 现在2万超人读,谢谢你们!我认真着写在这个不咯古里不重要的东西.我的兴趣包括经济,政治,历史,食物等. Danke dir für 20.000+ besuchung! ich will ernst in diese blog über unwichtigedinge schreiben. meine interesen enthalten ekonomie, politik, geschichte, essen u.s.w.
Please don't cry!
返信削除I feel sorry for you losing your grandfather and now also your grandmother.
Ta, mate. I try not to cry. Not easy to lose a family member esp. because I see the family connection a very important thing.