
Jane McGonigal, how do you make a good society utilising the games

An interesting idea.
I have been of opinion that we need to come up with the business models which utilise the unused or underused labour. The game is one key. The energy put into the games all over the world is one of the energies wasted and untouched. There was a game from the UN, if I remember correctly, where the players will solve and also learn about the problems as the real world facing like famine etc.

I believe the game should play a bigger role in the education and labour market.
I do not remember almost anything from my school time but still remember the names of the cars I played in a video game. If you can associate the memory with some fun you remember much better. Kids will learn much better with more game involved in the education( an excuse for me not having studied much! ).
For example, I want the NEET( not employed, educated and trained and staying at home with the parents' money) to work or produce, not just by consuming foods/electricity, some things contributing the economy. If we can develop addictive games where the NEETs play but produce some products use-able in the real world such as some programme or do bug tests. I want the mentally/physically challenged people to do more value added jobs so they can earn more margin and raise the living standards. If we can work in the game, this may be a bit easier to some people with the challenges.

If you have good ideas to add, feel free!



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