
医療援助求める=日本の支援に謝意-大地震で駐日ハイチ大使 Japan announces $5 mil in grants for Haiti quake relief


苦しいときに助けてあげることは大切です。Japan must help other countries in difficulties.

それと同時に日本が助けていることをメディアを通じてアピールすることは日本のイメージの向上に大切なことである。縁の下の力持ちが常に評価されるとは限らない。縁の下で支えるのならばそのことを高らかに周囲に知らせなければならない。中国などへの日本の国際援助金は毎年巨額なものでそれを中国にいる人々に知ってもらう努力をしなければならない。At the same time Japan ought to publicise its rescue effort such that people in other countries know what Japan did. There is a saying in Japan to the effect that the hidden support will be appreciated but I do not believe it must be so actually in the international sphere. When Japan helps, it must let people know about it its inside and outside so as to improve the image of the country. Japan spends annually considerable amount of money, for example, as ODA for overseas such as China. There must be a world wide publication of the fact through media etc. so that Chinese people can know of it.

但し、日本が地震で大変な目にあっても助けは期待してはならない。自分で立ち直れる体制を整えていくことが肝要です。Nonetheless, Japan must not expect other countries to help it when Japan is in difficulty such as a huge earthquake. Japan must prepare a system to revive itself on its own when it comes across a difficulty.

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