
The Cove, FOR or AGAINST?

I am against any killing of animals when its survival as species is at risk even if the species was a cockroach or some ugly animal as many people do not like.
I am against the killing of animals for few purpose such as killing whales for only oil as many people from the western world did.
I am against the argument some animals should not be killed because they are cute or intellectual. People all over the world kill and eat many types of animals such as dog, cats, monkeys, genie-pigs etc. These are the traditions developed in these regions. They are despised by so many media for killing and eating the 'cute' animals. Some call it uncivilised.I think it is not fair.
Also Pigs are much more intellectual( and very cute to my eyes) than dogs etc. but killed for our consumption.

I see the opposition for the whaling and dolphin. If the argument is scientific or such that these animals are killed for nothing, I will also support the opposition. If not, I will not support.

The movie called the Cove is out.
Its wikipedia section puts an article 'A recent international study showed that, on average, dolphin meat contains 5 times the maximum allowable level of mercury After the filming of The Cove, dolphin meat was taken off the school lunch menu in Taiji due to fears of mercury poisoning, which is particularly harmful to children and pregnant women'.( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cove_(film) )

I support these scientific arguments. I am looking forward to see more arguments being based on scientific views.

The Coveという映画があります。和歌山のいるか狩りを題材にしてます。動物を殺すことの是非は科学的に議論されるべきですね。絶滅の危機にあるとか、無為に殺されているとか、そういう議論を望みます。可愛いからとか知能が高いから殺すなとかいう議論は議論になりません。豚や牛だって私は可愛いと思いますし、豚はその知能の高さは犬などより飛躍的に高いことが分かっています。

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