
the sun is dying 太陽は死んでいる

the sun is in the calmest state ever. 
i had expected the sun would last another billion years from now but this may not be the case. maybe it may live another 1 or 2 years. in our daily lives we are concerned about the financial crisis, politics and wars in some parts of the world. 
now we may ask ourselves what if we have no tomorrow. then we may be more into making this world nice to live caring others etc. the human will be tested once in its history to see if human is any better than others on the earth.


there are sometimes...

there have been times when i was not quite sure where i was standing or in which direction i was heading to. in this confusion i may hurt others. 
i always feel sorry when i hurt people so i try not to do anything which may lead to my hurting others. 
nonetheless, when i realise i am in this confusion, i find that i already hurt one.
a monkey needs to learn to develop, learn to be a good person.


誤解 misunderstanding



the earth is here for human but the human is here for the earth. does the action( mainly destructive ones) human takes on the earth benefit the earth? or benefit something bigger than the earth? it is said we are destroying the earth. what is the definition of 'destruction' anyhow? if we are here for the earth, is not the destruction for the benefit of the earth?

if the search for the meaning of our existence is meaningless, it is only important that we are at least aware of that we are part of system consisting of earth and something bigger. 


a monkey says

i will write this blog just to release some thoughts in mind. i am not sure if any person will read this or not. but if you( supposing you are at least the one reading this blog) have any opinion, please leave some comment. 


a monkey says...



