


i wrote my opinion on 13th of march to encourage people to buy some things/services from those earthquake hit areas. it will be far better option than giving money to the bogus charity or cult group. this article shows people are more certain about my way to help the people in the areas.




消防放水「命中を確信」 涙の隊長、家族に陳謝 people at the nuke plant risking their lives to bring back the normal life to japanese(and the world).

国の為に、命を懸けられる人間が日本にどれだけいるか。死にたくなくても命を危険にさらさねばならない人がいる。僕らがこうして平凡な生活を送っている間にも、彼らは必死に僕らの為に被爆のリスクを背負い命をかけてくれています。 people risking their lives under the extreme circumstance for japanese and the people of the world. they do not work there to die, they work there to save our normal lives.

自ら命を絶つ自殺者が3万もいる日本。彼らの生き様を見てほしい。生きろ。 there are over 30,000 people committing suicide in Japan every year. i want to say to those thinking killing themselves, look at the people at the power plant. they do not want to die but they are there for you and others.
LIVE, LIVE hard.


people in takeo city of saga welcoming the people from the disaster hit north 佐賀・武雄市 町あげて被災者お迎え 旅館などにホームステイへ



被災地 the damaged cities in the north of japan



severely damaged cities in the northern japan. the buildings/houses and infrastructures are washed away and destroyed by tsunami. how do we recover from this?

let us build the old and nice japanese type of building/houses. there were ugly looking buildings with neon signs etc. in so many parts of japan which made these cities less attractive and less 'japanese'. now almost everything is gone and the cities can stand up as the totally new beautiful japanese type cities which can grow the tourism in these regions to be basis of the economy in addition to the other industries which have been so far.


東北関東地震 原発で戦っている方々 the people fighting at the nuke plant



my tears come out when i think about those who fighting at the troubled nuclear power plants. they fight for the health of people in Japan/world and fight to bring the normal lives back in this land. they put their lives at stake.

think about their family members, think about their lives from now, please pray for them. all japan fight against this problem with them.

People working in Fukushima nuclear power plant

The danger is maximum and they are risking their lives for the safety of the people in Japan and the world.
They are simply the national heroes.

Japanese earthquake proof tech

Japan has always(every day) earthquake whether people feel or not and has had numerous huge earthquakes. Japan also welcomes many big typhoons. The country is full of natural disasters.

Thus everything from the houses, buildings, train subway system to the power plant in this country is made more or less earthquake-proof.

The troubled nuclear power plant(made in 1970 with GE) was also earthquake proof. But the tsunami(said to be 10-20m high in some regions!) was something out of expectation and its safety systems were severely damaged by this tsunami.

a bad feeling is that about these earthquake incidents in japan (as it already started in NZ) may extend to other countries. It is reasonable to think that the earthquake does not really choose to stay in the Japan national boarder. It is happening on the boarder-less earth.

Japan has these anti earthquake building/train etc. and the damage was this big. Then what will happen in other countries where they have not been prepared for this natural disasters.

Friends outside of Japan, please learn from Japan and prepare good.


不屈の日本 の記事




カルト 詐欺 に注意 パニック 地震 今、東北産のものをかって、地域を支援



東北の産物など手に入らなくなるものは増えます。原発のこともありますので、買い手は減っていくでしょう。 いま、確実に東北を助ける方法として、一つのアイデアは、魚介類、果物、野菜、その他産物でも何でも東北産のものを積極的に買いましょう。



地震、原発 earthquake in japan, the troubled new clear power plant








the earthquake, shaking up all Japan to work together

first of all i wish any of those affected by this earthquake safe and if any be rescued asap. i am also concerned that foreigners in the earthquake hit area have problem communicating and getting necessary information.

this earthquake is a huge, terrible, visible and feel-able damage on japan. japan has had many problems with its economy and society but not really visible and feel-able. japan was long time separated before this. we all know now that japan work together to overcome this problem and make the country stronger and happier than before.

of course knowing the PR tactics of the politics, i really do not care whether this one is so or not, i was very moved by the Japan PM Kan who goes to the troubled nuclear power plant himself( as reported by NHK).
the biggest issues are the human lives around the nuclear power plant and the rescue workers from japan or else, both at ultimate risk.

the small but not ignorable issue is this moment the world watches japan, this is the time to show to the world japan with its earthquake(disaster in general) related technologies, nuclear technologies, its high risk management level and its well organised work forces will recover from this as fast as possible and come back as an even better than before country to contribute for the good of the world.

japan was hit by the once in 1000year huge earthquake. all japan with the friends of the world will get together and overcome. this is the time.

地震 日本が一つになるとき




