
消防放水「命中を確信」 涙の隊長、家族に陳謝 people at the nuke plant risking their lives to bring back the normal life to japanese(and the world).

国の為に、命を懸けられる人間が日本にどれだけいるか。死にたくなくても命を危険にさらさねばならない人がいる。僕らがこうして平凡な生活を送っている間にも、彼らは必死に僕らの為に被爆のリスクを背負い命をかけてくれています。 people risking their lives under the extreme circumstance for japanese and the people of the world. they do not work there to die, they work there to save our normal lives.

自ら命を絶つ自殺者が3万もいる日本。彼らの生き様を見てほしい。生きろ。 there are over 30,000 people committing suicide in Japan every year. i want to say to those thinking killing themselves, look at the people at the power plant. they do not want to die but they are there for you and others.
LIVE, LIVE hard.

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