
円高恩恵、6割「感じない」=期待8割、落差大きく―消費者庁調査 60% Japanese do not feel the advantage of the strong Yen

I do not see anything almost which sells at a cheaper price than before. The flight ticket price to overseas remains the same or even higher as the airlines do not bear much of the cost it did and has passed the cost to the consumer( I was surprised to find the ticket cost was almost doubled the original price shown on the online ticket search with so called surcharge and tax).
60% of the people in Japan answered they do not feel that they enjoyed the advantage of the strong yen. (the research carried out from 25th- 31st Oct, 2011, to the 589 people in Japan over 18 years old).

This means somebody taking the advantage of the strong Yen before the consumers feel the difference.




打ち上げ船保存に反発…被災者「見ると悔しさ」 stranded ship be removed or not in Kesennuma city, Miyagi

There is the increasing opposition in Kesennuma city, Miyagi to the local government decision to keep the stranded ship and build a memorial park around it. Some local people do not want to see the ship as they remember the bad time from 3.11 earthquake and tsunami.
We need to keep the ship there. It will keep our 3.11 memory alive and also can draw the outside people to come. To rebuild the Tohoku area severely hit by the earthquake and nuclear crisis, the tourism will be the important part of the reconstruction scheme. If there is nothing to remind us of the earthquake the tourist will not come back unless the area has any other strong attraction.




売れ行き絶好調! ネットで買える「冷凍おせち」の中身は?Frozen Osechi online sale


Frozen Osechi is popular. Rakuten, a major online shopping site, says the sales is 150% more than last year. This reminds me of the news that there was a huge problem with Groupon for the new year Osechi deal early this year where the customers received Osechi completely different( in a bad sense) from the photos in the catalogue. Hope this time there is no problem.




A second year high school student was arrested for the suspicion of slashing two school girls in Chiba and Saitama 埼玉・千葉連続通り魔「なたで殺そうと思った」さらなる犯行準備か


A second year high school student was arrested for the suspicion of slashing two school girls in Chiba and Saitama. One article reads now a principal of a cram school who was making the pupils go home in groups till now was relieved and would let the students go home alone. He should be still aware that there would be sometimes copy cats for this type of crime. Must protect our kids.



京都府、禁煙・分煙を義務化 受動喫煙防止で条例制定へ Kyoto new rule the public place must be smoke free( completely or partially)





Kyoto has enacted the regulation to keep the public places smoke free(completely or partially). I do not like the idea of partially non-smoking area. It was often the case that I was in the cafe non smoking area and just next to me there was the smoking area. What a joke.. What makes me more sorry is that the people working in these shops, they need to breath in the second hand smoke all day.

We need a complete non smoking for the public places.



NHKスペシャル 証言記録 日本人の戦争 War witness interviews of NHK

There are fewer people who experienced the war. NHK interviewed the survivors. Just the words from these who were on the ground. All them talked about their pains in the war. We must keep these words alive even though they are gone one day.




スライム 肉まん ファミリーマートにて販売 blue coloured Dragon Quest meat bun on sales in Familymart on 29th of Nov

天然色素をつかっているといっても青い肉まんは気味が悪い。The Blue meat bun looks creepy.

青:クチナシ色素 赤:ベニコウジ色素 黒:炭末色素


金の切目は縁の切目 where the money ends, that is where the friendship ends







People tend to see a connection( with others) as a mean to bring an advantage. It is so because of our survival instinct( rooted in the needs to eat, reproduce etc.) and also the society where you need to use the connection to bring some business in your company esp. it is conspicuous when you are in the sale team.
Well, when somebody cuts you out of her/his connection it may mean you are not attractive (monetarily or sexually or whatever she/he considers as an advantage ). But just think a bit if there is anything to that effect( ideally and maybe ask your other friend if any) and if you see nothing wrong, then do not think about it any more and stay positive. Being positive brings more people to you anyway. 

Jane McGonigal, how do you make a good society utilising the games

An interesting idea.
I have been of opinion that we need to come up with the business models which utilise the unused or underused labour. The game is one key. The energy put into the games all over the world is one of the energies wasted and untouched. There was a game from the UN, if I remember correctly, where the players will solve and also learn about the problems as the real world facing like famine etc.

I believe the game should play a bigger role in the education and labour market.
I do not remember almost anything from my school time but still remember the names of the cars I played in a video game. If you can associate the memory with some fun you remember much better. Kids will learn much better with more game involved in the education( an excuse for me not having studied much! ).
For example, I want the NEET( not employed, educated and trained and staying at home with the parents' money) to work or produce, not just by consuming foods/electricity, some things contributing the economy. If we can develop addictive games where the NEETs play but produce some products use-able in the real world such as some programme or do bug tests. I want the mentally/physically challenged people to do more value added jobs so they can earn more margin and raise the living standards. If we can work in the game, this may be a bit easier to some people with the challenges.

If you have good ideas to add, feel free!












吉祥寺 味の焦点珈琲の名門 ゆりあぺむぺる



タイソンら寄贈、善意のグラブを倉庫に放置 Japan Boxing Commission having left the donations from Mike Tyson, Manny Pacquiao

The boxing super stars like Mike Tyson donated about 100 personal goods for Japan Boxing Commission in an aid for the March 11 disaster. In June the director general, Tsuyoshi Yasukochi, of the JBC resigned due to his "inappropriate comment/behavior" and did not inform his successor, Ken Mirita, of these goods. Mr. Morita   says JBC has not carried out any auction so it plans to return the goods.

Auctioning is something so easy to do.

I hope the donations, not only for the goods which could be auctioned and donated to help those affected by the March 11 but the feelings of the stars, should not be wasted.




10月のテレビ国内出荷は73%減 過去最大の落ち込みに TV domestic shipment, biggest decrease ever




客室乗務員 私なりのおもてなし



コメ「高くても国産」89%…読売新聞世論調査 89% of Japanese say they will buy expensive Japanese rice, Yomiuri News





In 1993 the Thai rice came to Japan due to the domestic rice shortage. I did not see many people buy the Thai rice.

The situation is different since then:
1) the foreign rice quality has improved so that it tastes like Japanese rice,
2) the consumer attitude towards foreign grown foods has changed because of the radio active fear for the Japan grown foods and,
3) the demand is higher than ever for the low cost foods as the economy has weakened.

There will be more people buying foreign rice once the foreign rice comes to the market and eating, whether she/he knew it was foreign rice, because the food industry, restaurants etc. use the foreign rice.
















You expect the service level in Japan being higher than many countries. But there are of course exceptions. If you have such an experience, let me know.

Japan's Free-Trade Move Criticized TPPには不参加

It is too late to join the discussion of Trans-Pacific Partnership. Japan can entre into other trade agreements with as many country as possible to shape its own trade pact to balance its needs inside the country and the needs of the countries to sign the agreements. 個別の国々とお互いのニーズにあった、カスタマイズされた貿易協定を結んでいくべき。


ITOCHU expands Mila Shon brand to China ミラ ショーン 伊藤忠が中国へ

Itochu , a major trading house from Japan, will, jointly with a Taiwanese company, expand Mila Shoen into China. Itochu follows the common moves that a Taiwanese company helps a Japanese company entering China.
I do not say this brand, Mila Shoen is a second class but Japanese fashion brands need to buy more first class brand.
Some time ago I wrote about the brand awareness exemplifying the auto industry. This time fashion: regardless of the actual quality European brands tend to be perceived as superior to Asian brands. It is not easy to change this awareness. Three ways to overcome this 1) keeping improving its quality and letting the customers to realise the real quality under its own (non-European) name like Cannon, Sony 2) serving as an OEM supplier to the European brands( many Taiwanese companies follow this) and 3) buying an European brand.
1) is not easy for the fashion brand as differentiation is not easy; camera may last and work well longer than others to see the difference but the clothes, whether it is from China or France, it may last and be wearable, 2)  many Japanese textiles are used for the French/Italian brands already but the margin is low and the OEM company can be dependent on the brands of their clients and 3) is useful for the fashion industry. A Chinese company, for example, tried to buy the Prada. This action was a nice one, though in vain.
I have not seen recently Japanese companies buy first class brands. In 80s Aoki Construction bought the Inter Continental. Japanese companies then were not really internationalised; from its language capability to the management style fitting foreign companies, but now many of them are.




戸籍不正取得、1万件超か…依頼ルート確立 Trading the personal data of investigators in the police




I see homeless people everywhere in Tokyo. Japan should not be the place where the winners win the most and the losers lose the most. The re-distribution of wealth is one of the core values of Japan. Facing the long lasting bad economy the country has started losing it. More companies use the performance base pay, cut people like any other companies outside of Japan.

Japan needs to find its own way to keep the people in the country happy.




The Shinto priest of the world heritage shrine in Japan was arrested for groping a girl 世界遺産神社の神主、ランドセル女児に痴漢容疑

The 40 year old priest of the world heritage shrine in Wakayama was arrested as a suspect for groping a minor girl in the train.
Being related to the religious group does not mean the person is a noble person.
It is the case often that the temple/shrine is a family business. Some children from these families did not want to take over the business but no better job available( because of the economy then or his poor qualification) so took over.
This kind of incident destroys the image of the priests of the shrine/temples being good and worth of respect as it did for Catholic in Europe. Very sad.



損失隠し、元会長・菊川氏の影響力とは it turned out the olympus lied

不正はないと否定をしてきたオリンパス、やはり、嘘をついてきたことを認めた。Olympus insisted there was no wrongdoing but at last it admitted there was... as other similar cases have been always.


'Mezamashi TV' anchor Otsuka sends message from hospital

I hope this is not related to the radiation prob in Japan. 放射能漏れとの関係はないと願ってます。


Japanese PM went to a 4515 JPY hair saloon 首相4515円の理髪店

When he went to a 1000JPY place to have his hair cut last time, the media ridiculed him for carrying out such a PR. Today the Japanese media reported this time he went to a 4515JPY place. What a news... こんなことでも記事になるんだね。


中国船籍逮捕、今回は報道まだなし Japan detains China boat captain off Goto Islands, where is the news coverage thereupon in China?

When the Chinese ship was detained last time( in 2010), there was a huge coverage on this incident everyday. Chinese and Japanese governments got into a dispute. Yesterday a similar incident happened but I do not find any article on this in the major Chinese media as of today (8th of Nov, 2011). Anything going on? 2010年の時は、ニュースがすごかったが、今回は中国のメジャーメディア側ではまだ報道なし。何かあったのか。

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-15615705 (foreign media)

以前にも書いたものに追記 super high quality technologies for Japan







mystery of the tramp card トランプカードのなぞ

When shipping some thing to Germany today I saw a sheet of paper from the post office as to the restricted goods to ship. The list included drug( yes, of course), weapon( yes, of course) and the tramp card. I know there was a law in Japan in the past on the special tax on the tramp card but it was a long time ago. I wonder there are still similar regulations in some countries. If you know why, please let me know.

More details emerge over 6 bodies found in burned-out car 車の中で6人焼死

When I heard of this news for the first time I thought it was a suicide. With the current information available it is most likely so( but no concrete evidence yet).
A certain numbers of the suicides committed involve the other members of family esp. kids. The story line usually follows "the will says the person who wanted to kill him/herself thought there would not be no future for their kids after they are gone and so". This IS absolute rubbish. People are free to kill themselves but not others.
From the ethic point of view we should not say "feel free to kill yourself" but, given given the climate, can we launch a campaign saying " kill yourself but others " providing some places to leave their kids before they commit suicides.



ヒトカラ好きに朗報! 1人カラオケ専門店が神田に登場 Karaoke room for one person is open in Kanda

Some people just want to sing alone but feel ashamed to go into a normal karaoke shop where people usually go with a group.
Living in Japan you most likely find yourself living in the apartment and do not want to sing so loud as your neighbours living so close.

Working as a part time in a karaoke shop I saw some customers singing alone esp. daytime. I guess some people feel embarrassed to go to karaoke alone but the number of people who would travel to this karaoke all the way to feel comfortable going in the shop seems small. And, all the more, what is the difference between 1) going into a normal karaoke shop and feeling nervous checking-in alone "inside the shop" and 2) going into the one person karaoke shop feeling nervous when "entering the shop".
I also see some manga( cartoon)/internet cafe have small karaoke rooms targeting one person or a couple.
For the PR article the public is aware of this karaoke place but this may not bring many customers.

The competition will be still very fierce unless this alone karaoke shop capable of offering very unique services to differentiate itself from others e.g. the price.







IPads Change Economics, and Speed, of Hotel Wi-Fi

i phone 4 was out with Softbank and 4S is out with Softbank and KDDI. The more smartphone users are in Japan the more connection capacity is full. The following article predicts more WIFI service in the US will no longer be free of charge. Japan has not much free WIFI and should not follow the US.



Chinese And Russian Firms The 'Most Corrupt' 中国 賄賂/汚職

Living in China I see bribes are so prevalent. Whatever you do in business, you should come across this problem. I do not go into details but you need to pay to someone in such as these occasions, you need a license to carry out a business, you need to pay taxes(even in this case you first need to pay), you run your restaurant, you want to sell your products to your client etc. I have been long time opinionated that this wide spread bride is one of the strong drivers of the inflation in China.

If you experienced this problem, feel free to comment. 




Roberto Cavalli

There was a coverage on this brand on one TV programme some weeks ago which looked just an innocent coverage in a comedy show. That was the coverage to promote this brand which was virtually unknown in Japan. What we see in the media are basically almost all connected to ads.





Japan Tobacco's first-half profit soars 17.9% JTの上半期利益17.9%アップ

It is obvious that cigarette is harmful to the health of a person who smokes it and who is with the smoker. After I lost my grand father due to the lung cancer my feeling against smoking got much stronger. He quit smoking long time ago but the harm was already done.

In China, known as a big market for the cigarette I see more people stopping smoking. The tobacco market will be smaller in the future and shall not grow big again. There will be fewer tobacco companies to enjoy the economy of the scale and also survive on the shrinking market. JT with its 50% ownership by the government has been protected but the government share could be smaller to finance the earthquake relief. JT will probably also buy more companies in the industry. Yen is strong so it may not be too far from now that it happens. JT sells beverages like Roots coffee( also as a former owner of the Burger King Japan) expanding its non-tobacco business.

I am hoping it will one day becomes a company free of the tobacco business. The marketing know-how in the company is fairly strong as it has been selling their products even the customers think it is "bad" to buy the products. Once it starts selling totally different products it can still grow utilising the long accumulated marketing know-how.




来春、鳥取市内で無線LAN整備へ Tottori city will have a public WIFI next April

Release the communication!
Like Singapore, China, all Japan needs the free WIFI. People come to Japan and complain why there is no WIFI anywhere in Tokyo. You basically need contracts with careers to use internet outside.
Once the information flow released, there will be more business ideas and creativity. 無料の公衆無線を日本全国に整備すべき。情報の流れを解き放て!人々が自由に無料で素早くコミュニケーションができれば、新たなビジネスもうまれる。

One of the few companies offering the free WIFI http://freespot.com/ in Japan.



Japan intervenes in currency market to weaken yen 円為替介入

MBA入学したのが2007年半ば、1ユーロが160円と最高値をつける時でした。2008年終わり修了した時には金融危機で110円。入学時はユーロ高で入学金を払い、卒業してから安いユーロで給料をもらいました。いろいろな国で働いて、それぞれの国の通貨で貯蓄するのがいいのでしょうね。I enrolled the MBA in the mid of 2007 the EUR was at its highest 160JPY=1EUR having paid my tuition and finished at the end of 2008 in the financial crisis. I started working earning the cheap EUR.

Life is not easy. Better to work in as many countries as possible and save in each country' currency.


東京スカイツリー 価格  Tokyo Sky Tree price




日本酒にもビンテージ 熟成酒・古酒、人気広がる vintage sake more popular

I was planning to expand the sake business into China market. Since the earthquake the foods from Japan can not go into China. If you see some sake in China, they may have been carried by hands. 今は中国では日本食/飲料のビジネスは難しいですね。


bike can no longer go on the pedestrian roads unless being 3 meter width etc. in japan / 県警、「容認」歩道見直し 自転車の車道通行徹底指示

Bikes could go on the pedestrian streets in Japan. I felt safe riding a bike. Because of this I never wore a crash helmet and there has not been much space for the bike riders on the car lanes in Japan.

 The car lane may be narrowed to make the space for the bikes causing some traffic jam. I can expect an increase of the number of accidents involving bikes.There will be a much bigger demand for the crash helmet for bike riders in Japan. If you know any cool helmet, let me know.




Olympus Paid Cayman Firms オリンパス ケイマン諸島の会社に支払い

I meet sometimes so called consultants. I have noticed it is not a strange practice that consultants registered their businesses in the tax havens.
The other day I met one and looked at his card. I noticed his email address ended with ‘ws’. I asked him what it meant but (at least he told me) he did not know. Later I checked online and found it was Western Samoa, a tax haven [http://www.can-offshore.com/tax-havens/Western-Samoa-tax-haven.htm ].
There are consultants travelling overseas for sometimes and they call the trips business trips but I am not sometimes really sure they are really just to do businesses. 


ANA's net profit up 72.1% in first half 全日空の利益72%上半期上昇

The price of the air ticket at the travel brochure was doubled when it came to the point where I need to pay. ;surprised at the H.I.S. a travel agency in Japan recently I learnt that now the customers pay much more surcharge etc. as the airlines do not any more.

The trip to overseas from Japan increased partly because people in Japan went to overseas out of fear of the earthquake and nuclear crisis, not because everyone bought the marketing message from the travel agencies ' the yen is strong, it is time to travel( but you pay much more for the air fare)'.



ルミネ有楽町西武跡にはいる Lumine store opens on site of former Seibu store in Yurakucho

ルミネが最近元気がいい。街中でCMもよくみるようになった。今年の5月に社長が自殺したことで、何かが社内で変わったのかもしれない。自殺については遺書の中身はおもてに出ることも無く私たちには真相は分からないままなんでしょうね。I see more and more Lumine store ads in Tokyo. Since the suicide of its president in May, this year there may have been some change in the company. As to the suicide, he made a will but its content is not open to the public and the reason why he killed himself shall be never known to us.

http://www.lumine.ne.jp/lumine_info/gaiyo/gaiyo.html the company's financial status is, amid this crisis where many department stores feel pain, not bad obviously because of the giant mother company, JR EAST, helping it out.
http://www.jiji.com/jc/zc?k=201105/2011052500105 as to the suicide of the president in May, 2011


日本の「知」で高付加価値のサービスを海外で提供 日本企業にお金を稼いでもらいたい














日本ではまだSNSユーザーの割合は少ないです。SNS users in Korea, Japan etc.



The percentage of SNS user against the total internet user in Japan is small compared with the other developed countries e.g. the US, Korea, UK and Australia. Japanese SNS market has room to grow at least like Korea and Australia which welcomed the internet age after the US. Say the majority of SNS user is 20-35yo, the new SNS may target below 20 and above 35. The mobile phone got simpler when it targeted the junior and senior citizens. The similar trend may be seen (or perhaps already being seen) in the new SNS service.

found one SNS 「 http://www.eons.com/ 」targeting baby boomers with an obituary notice function. too obvious focus..ちょっと探してみますと、こんなのがありました。 これはベイビーブーマーをターゲットにしたSNSで訃報​がとどく機能があるとか、やりすぎ感ありますね。

Interesting to note, SNS user percentage in the total internet user tends to be higher for the emerging markets. It is because for these markets the total internet user tends to be younger than others. For example, 30% of the total population of China is the net user and that percentage for Korea and Japan is around 80% where the age group in the net user group is presumably wider than in China.


Net user Asia top 10 countries:
1. China: 420,000,000 (31.6% of the population in the country)
2. Japan: 99,143,700 (78.2%)
3. India: 81,000,000 (6.9%)
4. South Korea: 39,440,000 (81.1%)
5. Indonesia: 30,000,000 (12.3%)

(Internet World Stats, January 2011)


Do you know Swan Bakery & Café in Japan

In 1998 Mr. Masao Ogura, a former president of Yamato Transport Co., Ltd., distressed by the low wage of the physically/mentally challenged people in the quasi-charity facilities selling low margin products, established Swan Bakery & Café which sells what customers want and pay the premium.

This movement could be done when the economy was that good, having several shops in the expensive locations e.g. Ginza the company may not have reached the breakeven and the motive therebehind might to some degree be triggered by the PR plan about Yamato and Takaki, a Hiroshima based bakery company, which supplies the dough to the B&C all over Japan.

But the value of this idea survives the time: a company earns more when it sells what customer wants and pays even more thereby the employees earn more.

We can revisit the facilities where the people with disabilities work and see how they are profitable and if not how they can be profitable. The companies with strong brands seem really well positioned to give those with disabilities the chance to earn more as the products/services get more margins.

Next time I am in Japan, I would like to go to the B&C and see how the idea of Mr. Ogura thought up over 10 years ago has become of today.

Generating electricity via sport in Japan

Japan has a constant power shortage problem since 3.11.

Generating electricity via sport has never been a new idea, albeit often ignored. Witnessing the nuke prob in Japan the time to start may be now.

The power generated can be used to recharge the car batteries whose sales should go to those affected by the earthquake.

One idea is to start with the huge sport gym operators. Sport gym equipped by these machines to generate energy may not be useful if the gym goers do not use. The other is to start with the prisons all over Japan. One of the limited ways to oblige people to do something( potentially they hate doing ) is a way of punishment. The energy to support the prisoners come from the tax payers' blood and sweat. Why do not use the energy to support the people who need help?

You might as well work out to keep healthy and make people happy/make at least unhappy people less unhappy rather than just to lose weights.

Pretty inefficient but just an idea.


ランダム提言 久々の日本出張で思ったこと























被災された方の宝物- 「宝物は胸の中のたくさんの思い出だ」 - the treasures of those affected by 311, the memories in my heart


he lost his wife and house.there is not even a piece of his belongings found. he says his treasure is the bunch of the memories kept in his heart.



ダンプ疾走、30人救う 仙台・蒲生で土建業の男性ら helped 30 lives by carrying them on the truck several times as tsunami approaches


now we see many stories where the person risked her/his life to help others. they survived and the story survived.
but we also remember uncountable lives and stories which did not survive. let us not forget about them.





i wrote my opinion on 13th of march to encourage people to buy some things/services from those earthquake hit areas. it will be far better option than giving money to the bogus charity or cult group. this article shows people are more certain about my way to help the people in the areas.




消防放水「命中を確信」 涙の隊長、家族に陳謝 people at the nuke plant risking their lives to bring back the normal life to japanese(and the world).

国の為に、命を懸けられる人間が日本にどれだけいるか。死にたくなくても命を危険にさらさねばならない人がいる。僕らがこうして平凡な生活を送っている間にも、彼らは必死に僕らの為に被爆のリスクを背負い命をかけてくれています。 people risking their lives under the extreme circumstance for japanese and the people of the world. they do not work there to die, they work there to save our normal lives.

自ら命を絶つ自殺者が3万もいる日本。彼らの生き様を見てほしい。生きろ。 there are over 30,000 people committing suicide in Japan every year. i want to say to those thinking killing themselves, look at the people at the power plant. they do not want to die but they are there for you and others.
LIVE, LIVE hard.


people in takeo city of saga welcoming the people from the disaster hit north 佐賀・武雄市 町あげて被災者お迎え 旅館などにホームステイへ



被災地 the damaged cities in the north of japan



severely damaged cities in the northern japan. the buildings/houses and infrastructures are washed away and destroyed by tsunami. how do we recover from this?

let us build the old and nice japanese type of building/houses. there were ugly looking buildings with neon signs etc. in so many parts of japan which made these cities less attractive and less 'japanese'. now almost everything is gone and the cities can stand up as the totally new beautiful japanese type cities which can grow the tourism in these regions to be basis of the economy in addition to the other industries which have been so far.


東北関東地震 原発で戦っている方々 the people fighting at the nuke plant



my tears come out when i think about those who fighting at the troubled nuclear power plants. they fight for the health of people in Japan/world and fight to bring the normal lives back in this land. they put their lives at stake.

think about their family members, think about their lives from now, please pray for them. all japan fight against this problem with them.

People working in Fukushima nuclear power plant

The danger is maximum and they are risking their lives for the safety of the people in Japan and the world.
They are simply the national heroes.

Japanese earthquake proof tech

Japan has always(every day) earthquake whether people feel or not and has had numerous huge earthquakes. Japan also welcomes many big typhoons. The country is full of natural disasters.

Thus everything from the houses, buildings, train subway system to the power plant in this country is made more or less earthquake-proof.

The troubled nuclear power plant(made in 1970 with GE) was also earthquake proof. But the tsunami(said to be 10-20m high in some regions!) was something out of expectation and its safety systems were severely damaged by this tsunami.

a bad feeling is that about these earthquake incidents in japan (as it already started in NZ) may extend to other countries. It is reasonable to think that the earthquake does not really choose to stay in the Japan national boarder. It is happening on the boarder-less earth.

Japan has these anti earthquake building/train etc. and the damage was this big. Then what will happen in other countries where they have not been prepared for this natural disasters.

Friends outside of Japan, please learn from Japan and prepare good.


不屈の日本 の記事




カルト 詐欺 に注意 パニック 地震 今、東北産のものをかって、地域を支援



東北の産物など手に入らなくなるものは増えます。原発のこともありますので、買い手は減っていくでしょう。 いま、確実に東北を助ける方法として、一つのアイデアは、魚介類、果物、野菜、その他産物でも何でも東北産のものを積極的に買いましょう。



地震、原発 earthquake in japan, the troubled new clear power plant








the earthquake, shaking up all Japan to work together

first of all i wish any of those affected by this earthquake safe and if any be rescued asap. i am also concerned that foreigners in the earthquake hit area have problem communicating and getting necessary information.

this earthquake is a huge, terrible, visible and feel-able damage on japan. japan has had many problems with its economy and society but not really visible and feel-able. japan was long time separated before this. we all know now that japan work together to overcome this problem and make the country stronger and happier than before.

of course knowing the PR tactics of the politics, i really do not care whether this one is so or not, i was very moved by the Japan PM Kan who goes to the troubled nuclear power plant himself( as reported by NHK).
the biggest issues are the human lives around the nuclear power plant and the rescue workers from japan or else, both at ultimate risk.

the small but not ignorable issue is this moment the world watches japan, this is the time to show to the world japan with its earthquake(disaster in general) related technologies, nuclear technologies, its high risk management level and its well organised work forces will recover from this as fast as possible and come back as an even better than before country to contribute for the good of the world.

japan was hit by the once in 1000year huge earthquake. all japan with the friends of the world will get together and overcome. this is the time.

地震 日本が一つになるとき







暴走族、初めて1万人割る 2010年警察庁まとめ the number of bike gang no. in Japan below 10,000 first time


The article said it is more and more difficult to define the bike gang group in Japan as one reason but I think the small child demography in Japan has the most significant impact. it could be interesting to see the percentage for the bike gang number against the total population in Japan and see if there is any change over the years.




the function on the dvd players of the major electronics companies to skip the ads will be taken out because of the criticism from the TV broadcasters..stupid. anyway we will skip the ad by forwarding in the most cases. The TV broadcasters in Japan can learn from others like these in China where they put the ad on the screens showing up always somewhere on the screen.
i expect there will be a machine from small manufacturers somehow to skip the ads sooner or later.
TV broadcasters recently have lost significant some of TV ad fees because of the internet. Most likely even though knowing it is absurd they feel they need to show that they are pressuring on this kind of tech to "please" their sponsors.



トヨタ USで問題ない結論に










起業 ハングリー精神






児童虐待相談 本年度、506件で最悪ペース 和歌山












